Quaker Parrots | What to expect, the good, the bad and the ugly.
Quaker parrots, also known as monk parakeets, are small parrots native to South America. These lively and playful birds make great pets and can be trained to do tricks. Quaker parrots are known for their abilities to mimic human speech and sounds, and some even learn to talk quite well. Their popularity increasing day by day. But birds are different from other pets like dogs or cat. So, you might be curious about nature of a Quaker parrot. So, let’s see what real owner says about quaker parrot:
Is a quaker parrot a good pet?
Following quotes are collected from a Facebook bird group about quaker parrot. The person wanted to know about quaker parrot. She is already an owner of cockatoo!
Quakers are bossy, impatient and think they own everything, lol, but they’re also loving and cute and funny. Some can be food or cage aggressive but that’s nothing that can’t be handled by just working with and loving them. And as you already have a cockatoo, I’d say you’re more than ready!
Faith Shirley
I adopted my first Quaker about 6 weeks ago. My Conure passed away and I could not stand the quiet. I did not want to feel like I was trying to “replace” Kiwi so I adopted a Quaker. When we brought her home she was really quiet. Yes-quiet lol. She was well behaved-no biting.
Fast forward to 6 weeks later…she is still a good girl, she has only bit me once and it was more like a warning. Kiwi would draw blood and he bit a lot! She does get fairly loud at times but it doesn’t last long. She goes to everybody in the family. Kiwi hated my husband.
She also doesn’t try to run the house. Kiwi had all of us trained lol. She is very smart and more willing to train, which I enjoy. She doesn’t talk much and if she does it’s when she thinks nobody is paying attention. She is very affectionate and loves giving kisses and preening. I really think it is the bird’s personality. I love her and enjoy learning what her preferences are.
Tricia Alexander

Oatmeal likes nothing better than to bite electrical cords, particularly ones that charge cell phones and tablets. Another favorite activity is to take small chunks out of papers left on the desk. Pushing objects off the table is a hobby of hers. Pens make great cage additions she thinks.
I am her favorite person, except when I am not. She defends her cage fiercely but is quite reasonable way from it. She loves to have her neck, head, and beak rubbed. It is fun to play kissy and peek-a-boo games with her. She makes the best burbling water sounds. She is an adorable bipolar joy.
Elizabeth Dickey
My birds name is Grinch. He loves pumpkin seeds. He calls peak a boo even at night. He calls my moms name a lot. He talks a lot and even seems to say sentences and seem to understand us. He calls out coffee coffee when my mom has coffee. He likes to rip the papers out of his cage when he is out.
Angela Stanforth
Our family has always had male’s, they seem to pick one person so this time I picked a hen and omg she loved everyone with no bitting or vicious threats. She is such a joy she talks but not as much as her brother, and that’s ok. Meet Bluebell my sweet baby girl !
Susan Short

They are bossy and opinionated and temperamental and insist on their own way in all things. They’re also funny and affectionate when they’re in the mood to be. Imagine a movie star used to being catered to. That is a Quaker parrot.
If Clyde could march off in a huff yelling “I’ll be in my trailer!” he most definitely would. He’s hormonal and impossible at the moment, which may have colored my description a bit. One moment he’s giving me noisy kisses, the next he’s leaving a welt on the back of my neck (his favorite place to bite me when he’s huffy).
Valerie Wells Wilson
Honestly I feel like if you have a cockatoo then a Quaker is gonna be pretty easy! Now of course no bird is ever “easy,” as I’m sure you know…but comparatively I think you’ll have a handle on a Quaker quickly.
They have huge personalities for such little bodies, I tell everyone who considers a Quaker to invest in a ton of band aids because you’ll need them. They are like most other birds with flock calling and getting stuck in loops of words and phrases from time to time, which can really be annoying but, again, if you’ve got a cockatoo I feel like you’re prepared for a quaker. Lol!
They can be super trainable and are quite smart! I think they might tend to be more moody than your average cockatoo but if you’ve ever suffered a cockatoo bite then you’ll handle a Quaker bite ok I think. They hurt, but you likely won’t end up with stitches (we never say never around here though. Haha) I think they have more energy than lots of big birds, but I could be wrong.
I’ve never owned big birds before to know how their energy levels are but I can say my quaker is constantly into things and flying about and being a toddler. And of course, like a cockatoo, they have long life spans around 30 years so make sure you’re ready for that commitment!
Krystin Sellers
Keep in mind, your quaker may bond with your husband too. Other than that, they are sweet little bipolar dinosaurs.
Tiki Dia